14th Lesson / More details about consonants in greek
- Double consonants : ξ sounds like /ks/ in the word carjacks Examples: έξυπνος / eksipnos/. ψ sounds like /ps/ in the word break-ups Examples: ψάρι /psari/
- When the ‘σ’ is pronounced like ‘ζ’: In one case, when the followed consonant is : β, γ, δ, λ, μ, ν, ρ, μπ, ντ. Examples: στους δρόμους / stuz thromus/
- ”γ” before ”χ” : In some words we can see this two-letter consonant ”γχ”. For example συγχαρητήρια. So when ”γ” followed by ”χ” in pronounciation changes to ”ν”: /sinxaritiria/, άγχος /anxos/.
- Two same- letter consonants: are pronounced as o
ne, except for ”γγ” , which sounds like ”g”. Examples: κόκκινο / kokino/, σύννεφο /sinefo/ but φεγγάρι /fegari/.