The indefinite article ένας, μία, ένα / Το αόριστο άρθρο
The indefinite article in greek forms 3 genders, like the definite article (ο, η, το) and the adjectives. And it also has 3 cases only in singular (nominative, genitive and accusative).
We can use it only when we speak about something non specific.
For example :
if we say: η τηλεόραση we mean the specific tv, for which we ‘re speaking right now: Μου αρέσει η τηλεόραση σου! ( I like your tv.)
But if we say: μία τηλεόραση we mean a non- specific tv. Θέλω να αγοράσω μία τηλεόραση (accusative). ( I want to buy a tv.)
Generally, the indefinite article in greek is used like the a/an in english. The difference is that in greek there are the genders and the cases.
When we use it we have to pay attention to the noun that we use after the article. For example the word ”άνδρας” (man) is a male noun . If we say ”a man” we are going to use the article ”ένας”: ένας άνδρας. The word ”γυναίκα”(woman) is a female noun so we have to use ”μία” before of it: μία γυναίκα. And the word ” παιδί” (kid) is neutral , so it is: ένα παιδί.
Let’s see some more examples:
- Βλέπω μία μύγα (accusative) στο δωμάτιο. (I see a fly in the room.)
- Συναντώ έναν φίλο (accusative) μου. ( I meet a friend of mine.)
- Με τσίμπησε ένα κουνούπι (nominative). (A mosquito stung me.)
- Ενός λεπτού (genitive) σιγή! (Silence for one minute)
For the declension of the indefinite article watch my youtube video !!